FPL Analytics xP League
Overall Standings
{{ 'GW ' + active_gw }}
Obj Rank Sim Rank ID Team Manager Obj. Score Sim Sum GW Obj GW Sim Mean FPL Pts* FPL Rank* Chips Used GWs
{{ entry.rank }} {{ entry.sim_rank }} {{ entry.entry }} {{ entry.entry_name }} {{ entry.player_name }} {{ rounded(entry.obj_sum) }} {{ rounded(entry.sim_mean_sum) }} {{ rounded(entry.week_obj) }} {{ rounded(entry.sim_q50) }} {{ rounded(entry.total_pts, 0) }} {{ rounded(entry.last_rank, 0) }} {{ chip_short[chip] + entry.chip_no[i] }} {{entry.total_gw }}
{{ comparison_data }}
Choose 2 or more teams to compare!
Weekly Scores (with Autosub)
{{ 'GW ' + active_gw }}
# Team pre-xP post-xP Pts Pts-xP TV ITB Chip
{{ entry.info.rank }} {{ entry[0].entry_name }} {{ rounded(entry.info.pre_xp,3) }} {{ rounded(entry.info.post_xp,3) }} {{ entry.info.rp }} {{ getWithSign(entry.info.luck,3) }} {{ entry.info.team_value }} {{ entry[1].entry_history.bank/10 }} {{ entry[1].active_chip }}
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Expected and Projected Points Data
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Last update: 2024-04-19T16:15:11.082131+00:00